Next Payments Celebrates International Women's Day
March 8, 2023
Today, March 8th, marks International Women’s Day for 2023. We wish all of the amazing women around the world and those working at Next Payments a happy International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity and it aims to get the world talking about why equal opportunities aren’t always enough - as equity creates an inclusive world. Everyone everywhere can play a part in achieving gender equity.
In honour of IWD, we have spoken to a number of women working at Next Payments and asked them what the day means to them and how they see gender equity in the workplace.
Read on to see their responses…
Kathleen Ryan (Marketing Coordinator)
“For me, International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the progress we have made for women’s rights over the years. In celebrating women’s rights and equality, women from all around the world are able to unite, empower one another and recognise our strengths. There is a great network of strong and independent women working at Next, which I am very glad to be a part of! While we are in a typically male dominated industry, men and women are treated with equal respect, opportunity and care at Next Payments.”
Kathryn Ward (GSL Solutions)
“International Women’s day to me is about calling out women who have inspired me, acknowledging and honouring all women around the globe and throughout history that have paved the way so women can achieve their dreams.Next Payments have a great team of leaders, women and men – which I am proud to be a part off. It is a workplace where we are all treated equally, which makes it a productive and engaging environment to be in.”
Larisa Terentev (Chief Financial Officer)
“For me, International Women’s Day means reflecting on the incredible women I am surrounded by. I am proud of our accomplishments and I am reminded of the women who paved the way allowing us to arrive here - the women who fought for what we see as normalcy today. Celebrating these achievements inspires us and helps us to see what is possible for all, irrespective of gender.”
Melissa Mifsud (Business Development Manager)
“International Women’s Day is about celebrating women of all different ages, race and lifestyle. Empowering the younger women to dream big, appreciating the women who raise children, celebrating the successful women in the workplace. Whatever your journey is, understanding that we all as women have a purpose in the world and should be caring and supporting one another.”
Roisin Selvarajoo (Sales & Marketing Coordinator)
“Women's empowerment in the workplace is essential for achieving gender equality, improving diversity and creating a more innovative and exciting office culture. Next embodies values that allow women to learn, thrive and succeed in the payments and technology sector, such as providing mentorship, training and development, flexible working arrangements and leadership opportunities. I am grateful to be a part of it”.
Angela Thompson (Product Manager - Payments as a Service)
“Happy International Women’s Day to all women but in particular the trailblazing women who have and continue to pave the way for future generations.”
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